Mudumalai Wildlife Sanctuary & National Park is situated at the tri-junction of Tamil Nadu, Kerala and Karnataka on the North Eastern Slopes of the Nilgiris part of Western Ghats descending to the Mysore Plateau. An erstwhile game reserve, Mudumalai was declared a wildlife sanctuary with a 62 sq KM area in the early 1940 by the then Madras Presidency. With Bandipur Tiger Reserve (Karnataka) in the north, and Wynad Wildlife Sanctuary (Kerala) in the west the region forms a single, continuous viable habitat for a varied range of wildlife and is a part of the Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve. While Mudumalai’s western half receives the southwest monsoon, the eastern tracts receive the 
Tusker with his Herd
relatively gentler north-east monsoon which results in a diversity of vegetation types and typical migration of herbivores.

Tropical moist-deciduous vegetation towards the western parts of the sanctuary gives way to dry-deciduous and thorn-scrub along the
 east. It is varied with tall grasses called ‘Elephant grass’, Bamboo, valuable timber like Teak, Rosewood, Mathi, Vengai, Venteak and 
fine flowering trees and shrubs like Indian laburnum, Flame of the forest and Coral trees. Riverine patches and swamps add to
 diversity. Among the fruit bearers are jamun, nelli, jujuba and varieties of wild Figs
The Sanctuary is well connected by National Highway. All buses plying from
Mysore to Ooty stop at the Reception Centre at Theppakkadu.
It is approachable from Ooty by two different routes.
One is via Kallatty, 36 KM from Ooty that has 36 hairpin bends through natural
The other route is via Gudalur which is 67 KM from Ooty. It can also be
approached by road from Mysore 91 KM away.
Nearest Railway station: Ooty – 67 KM., Mysore – 90 KM
Coimbatore – 160 KM, Bangalore – 245 KM.
Nearest fuel stations: Thorapalli – 7 KM., (towards Gudalur), Gudalur – 18 KM.
, (towards Ooty) Gundalpet – 30 KM (towards Mysore)
Mudumalai is organized with well-planned paths and is best explored by jeep or open vans. Several trails skirt waterholes where
 exciting animal activity can be watched.
Climate is generally equable throughout the year. It is cooler between November and February and warm between March and 

May. Temperature ranges from 15oC-35oC
Best time to Visit
It is February to May and September to October. The clear days from late January to early April are rewarding for wildlife enthusiasts.
Entry fee:
Rs. 15/- per adult
No private vehicle is allowed inside the Sanctuary


It is an exciting place to see Elephant, Gaur, Chowsingha, Mouse deer and Sloth bear. The
 animals include, Tiger, Panther, Sambar, Spotted Deer, Barking Deer, Blackbuck, Common 
Langur, Malabar Giant Squirrel, Flying Squirrel, Four-horned Antelope (Chowsingha), Wild Dog, 
Jackal, Mongoose, Jungle Cat, Rusty Spotted Cat, Leopard Cat Striped Hyena, Leopard-cat
, Small Indian Civet, Striped-necked Mongoose, Ruddy Mongoose, Sloth Bear, Indian Giant 
Squirrel,, Sloth Bear, Wild Boar, Porcupine, Striped Hyena, Slender Lories, etc.. Tigers are largely 
elusive but leopards or a pack of Wild Dog, on the move are frequently seen.

Some of the rare birds of prey like the Rufous bellied hawk eagle can be occasionally seen in this Sanctuary. Avifauna is varied
 with Changeable Hawk Eagle, Black Eagle, Oriental Honey-buzzard, Jerdon’s Baza, Bonelli’s Eagle, Crested Goshawk, Besra, Mottled
Wood Owl, Brown Hawk Owl Minivet, Hornbills, Golden Oriole, Chloropsis, Paradise flycatcher, Golden backed and Malabar Great
Black woodpeckers, Bluewinged parakeet, Fairy bluebird, Jungle fowl Racket tailed drongo, Peacock Grey, Junglefowl, Red Spurfowl,
 Grey Francolin, Painted Spurfowl, Painted Bush Quail, White bellied Woodpecker, Lesser Yellownape, Golden Woodpecker, Streak-
throated Woodpecker, Chestnut-headed Bee-eater, Emerald Dove, Green Imperial Pigeon, Pompadour Green Pigeon, Grey-bellied
 Cuckoo, Indian Cuckoo, Alpine Swift, Black-hooded Oriole, Greater Racket-tailed Drongo, Black-headed Cuckooshrike, Grey-headed
 Bulbul, Forest Wagtail, Crimson-bcked Sunbird, Loten’s Sunbird.
The reptiles present are the Python, Monitor Lizard, Flying Lizard, Cobra, Krait , Vipers etc.

Elephant Camp at Theppakkadu
The Theppakkadu Elephant Camp was established in 1972 in Mudumalai Range, which became the Mudumalai Wildlife Sanctuary in 1942.
 Its predecessor which served as Range Headquarters was established in 1910 near the Mudumalai game hut and later shifted to
The Forest Department took up elephant capturing by the conventional Pit Method from 1889 onwards in the Madras Presidency,
mainly to build up the work force of elephants needed for timber extraction. In the Anamallais where large areas were cleared
for planting with teak, elephant capturing operation was taken up in 1889. Till 1972 more than 600 elephants were captured
from wild to meet the demand for working elephants. In Mudumalai, elephant capturing was taken up in 1910 and continued till 1953
 Thus there was a necessity of building up permanent Camp Sites with necessary infrastructure such as “Kraals” to train newly
 captured elephants. Surplus elephants and elephants considered not fit enough for timber extraction work such as calves were
disposed off by conducting auction sales.
The use of local tribal people as elephant handlers clearly predated the establishment of elephant camps. This system was followed
mainly because of the tribals’ expertise in the jungles, their long traditional association with capture and training elephants. Even
today, the local tribals are the backbone of capturing, training and handling of elephant in the forest department. The Kurubas in
Mudumalai, the Malasars, the Pullayars and Kadars of Anamallais are some of the tribals who have traditional knowledge in
the art of capturing, training and handling elephants.
The captive elephants in the sanctuaries and national parks are no longer used for timber extraction work, since these areas are
managed exclusively as protected areas. Hence the elephants are engaged mainly for the following purposes.

  • Eco tourism
  • Patrolling for anti poaching operations
  • To control Man-Elephant conflict outside the Sanctuaries or other areas (Kumki work)
  • As a conservation & Training center for Asian elephants which can be visited by public.
At present all the captive elephants are stationed either at Theppakkadu. This creates considerable pressure on the exciting 
fodder resources around these camps. The surrounding area appears depleted of fodder. The addition, indiscriminate lopping of fodde
 trees within 10 kms radius around the camps has resulted in the total absence of many of the fodder trees particularly many
 species of Ficus, Grewia, Kydia etc. For this purpose and also to avoid infections through fecal infestation, periodic shifting of camp to
 rest locations is Mandatory.
The camp has a permanent Stores shed to keep the grain rations as well as various equipments and accoutrements intended for the day 

today use in the camp.
The elephant camp has one Forester who is responsible for the day to day management of the camp. A forest guard and sometimes

 a Forest Watcher assist him. The forest Range officer has the administrative control over the supervision of the camp and the staff.
Two persons, a mahout and cavady handle elephant over two meters in height. For the elephants under 2 meters in height such as the 

calves, only one attendant in the rank of Cavady is incharge.
All the elephants, in addition to natural grazing, are provided with grain rations in cooked form. The standard practice and norms are 

being followed. The Forest Veterinary Officer is the authority to fix the quantum of grain rations for each animal according to its size, sex,
 capacity for work etc.
Elephants used for work such as timber dragging, patrolling or any other hard work are given “work rations” as and when they are 

used for work. Resting animals or animals that are not engaged for work are given the “Rest Diet” which is less than the work rations 
since these animals spend comparatively more time in grazing.

An elephant being a mega herbivore needs to spend at least 16-18 hours per day for grazing and the working elephants spend 

considerably less time. In addition they spend every for various types of works for which they are engaged. Hence they have 
to be compensated by providing more grain rations.
Some animals such as pregnant elephants, lactating or nursing mothers and animals, which are in run down condition, are prescribed

 special rations by the Forest Veterinary Officer or the Veterinary Assistant Surgeon in the camp.

The grain rations normally consist of Horse gram and Ragi and sometimes Rice. The prescribed rations are given in cooked from both in

 the morning and evening at fixed hours. In Mudumalai large number tourists witness the evening feeding.
Standardised Wooden Moulds are used for making cakes of known size and weight to facilitate easy check. If the animals are being

 fed the proper quantity of rations are prescribed. Each feeding shed prominently displays the ration chart indicating the quantity of 
rations prescribed for each elephant. This chart also has the biodata of the animals. This practice had been in vogue for long time and is 
followed in every camp.
The elephant camp at Theppakadu serves an important educational purpose, where over a lakh visitors every year, see the 

management and feeding of pachyderms and thereby increasing public awareness about the species. This also serves an important center for Research 
and Training for capture elephant management.
Theppakadu elephant camp is located just nearer to Theppakadu Reception Centre. There are 23 elephants. Visitors are allowed to

 this camp in the evening during elephant feeding to witness the feeding process. Everyday 2 elephants perform pooja to Lord 
Vinayaka inside the camp. The elephants are used for joy riding of tourists early morning and evening on charges.
Other places of interest
Theppakadu, is the Reception Point, where acomodation, Van rides and Elephant rides are 

Ombetta vayal – swampy area is mid way between upper Kargudi and Mudumalai gamehut
 is a place to lookout for elephant and Bison.

Mudumalai approached from Teppakkadu or Kargudi is a mixture of deciduous and grass area

 and rewarding with all the herbivores and carnivores. Benne is grass, bamboo and teak area 
with Sambar, Elephant, Gaur, Bear and Tiger. Scenic spots in the sanctuary includes the 
Moyar River-gorge and the Chief Minister’s Watchtower, view point at Kargudi and the 
Ombetta Lake. The van rides in Sand Road, Circular Road, Manradiar Road, Jayadev Avenue, 
Bombax Road, and Public roads . Kakkanalli – Torapalli road, Teppakkadu – Masanagudi road
, Moyar – Masanagudi road are rewarding places to see most wild life in the Sanctuary
Good accommodations are available. Bookings for visit and accommodation are done at Office of Wildlife Warden, Ooty.


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